Our Software Solutions
Our Solutions
Developing and embedding best practice in software
Our software solutions come from the innovation of our consultants, identifying the gaps in software offerings, and developing solutions that embed best practice.

Invaluable geostatistics tool for resource estimation professionals
Created by Geologists for Geologists, Supervisor relieves the stress of resource estimation by providing a suite of powerful, interactive statistical tools specially designed with resource geologists in mind. Billions of dollars are invested in projects based on resource estimates. Biased data or invalid domains generate unreliable results with dramatic downstream economic implications. Supervisor provides everything you need to optimise your resource estimate and deliver to the highest standard.
Supervisor is backed and developed by leading geology consultants to fully support the resource estimation process, suited to the way geologists work and think – it is designed by geologists for geologists. As the benchmark for routine geostatistical modelling software, Supervisor is utilised by the worlds leading mining and consultancy companies, who depend on the software for their geostatistical modelling requirements. With a wide range of graphing and visualisation tools, and an ever expanding offering of advanced geostatistical solutions, Supervisor offers resource estimators the ability to produce higher quality estimates without the frustrations associated with typical mining software.
Supervisor is all about productivity, which is why user experience is a core design philosophy for each and every one of our components. As resource professionals ourselves, we understand the frustrations and stress associated with tight deadlines which is made worse by poor software design. Supervisors easy to navigate workflows, simple and intuitive design, and sensible pre-sets alleviate the frustration throughout the resource estimation process so that you will be working with Supervisor and not against it. Supervisor takes care of the manual handling of datasets, performing pre- and post-processing or transformations on-the-fly so that you can spend more time interpreting the results and making impactful decisions.
Resource estimation relies on numerous technical parameters which must be set uniquely based on various features such as data types, mineralisation styles and estimation method. Careful optimisation of these parameters results in higher levels of confidence and more robust economic decision making during mining. Supervisor provides a comprehensive suite of easy-to-use tools that allows resource geologists to quickly and effectively explore the kriging parameters and find the optimal settings. Conditional bias statistics such as KE and Slope of Regression are rapidly collated and presented in graphs which can be easily interpreted. In addition, the implementation of the Multi-block KNA has major advantages over the traditional Single-block KNA approach, producing global optimisations and avoiding single-point solutions in the study area.
Supervisor has been built from the ground up as a companion tool to be used alongside your mining software package of choice. Import options are available for all leading data types, while estimation properties can be exported to a range of outputs to align with built-in workflows for all major software. In the case of Datamine’s product suite, compatibility has been extended even further with the ability to read properties and parameters directly from Supervisor project files with the need to export any data whatsoever. As resource professionals ourselves, we always strive to break down the barriers that contribute to time-wasting and clerical errors and remove the frustration from the resource estimation process.
Track metal movement from start to finish with confidence
Reconcilor is a HTML5 web application and makes use of modern web technologies to deliver improvements to the reconciliation process, with subsequent results-driving value across the entire mining chain, from resource to mine to plant product and shipping. It is the culmination of years of experience and evolution, working on global mining reconciliation and optimisation projects. Reconcilor will give you confidence in your Resource, Ore Reserve and Grade Control Model estimates which will improve the accuracy of stock level tonnes, grade and metal availability for blending and supply chain opportunities.
Regular data imports and validation allow early detection of data issues well before the end-of-month, allowing you to make informed decisions and leaving more time for implementing improvements. Take the hard work out of your reconciliation and start reaping the benefits
Through simple yet powerful integration, Reconcilor provides a complete picture of your operation by combining data from the following sources: Geological models, Survey, Mine plans, Dispatch, Plant movements and sampling and Transport and shipping (optional).
The entire Reconcilor web interface is “deep linked” so content can easily be shared amongst users without the need to export data. Miscommunication is rife at most mine sites, often leading to costly mistakes. Reconcilor safeguards against naming inconsistencies and deviation from a given mine plan.
If not managed carefully stockpiles can pose a significant challenge to your reconciliation. Reconcilor automatically calculates stockpiles balances using a choice of several modelling types, giving you instant access to the information you need.
Develop a deep understanding of your operation through this powerful analysis tool, allowing almost any mining or planning metric to be compared and relationships identified. Optimise future production by examining past trends and put in place measures to stop history repeating itself.
Latest from Blog
Read below the latest news and technical tips from the software team.
What’s new in Supervisor v8.15.2
Discover new features in Supervisor v8.15.2, our comprehensive geostatistical package. This release introduces significant improvements, including simplified QQ plot generation, bulk export for Global Topcut components, enhanced 3D visualization, and an upgraded SQL Database connection tool.
The Power of Conditional Simulation in Mineral Resource Evaluation
Discover the Power of Conditional Simulation in Mineral Resource Evaluation and why it is crucial for risk assessment and informed decision-making. Our article explores simulation methods and highlights its value in mineral resource estimation and evaluation.
Supervisor’s Role in the Resource Estimation Workflow
Dive into the world of mineral resource estimation and discover how Supervisor revolutionizes complex geostatistical processes, enhancing efficiency and precision. Explore Supervisor’s benefits and access our professional development course, Supervisor Fundamentals, to master its features. Streamline your workflow and optimize resource estimation with Supervisor today.

The Fresh Perspective: Technical Insights to Ignite Inspiration
Discover “The Fresh Perspective” – Snowden Optiro’s Newsletter! Join our vibrant community for exceptional learning opportunities and valuable free resources. Power-packed lineup: Fresh Thinking podcast, tech tips, case study, and more. Unveiling new training courses and recapping the Resource Estimation conference in Perth. Get inspired and equipped!
An In-depth Look at the Four Key Aspects of Variography
A comprehensive guide to variography featuring tips on preparing, calculating, modelling, and interpreting. Get actionable insights on mastering this important technique with Supervisor! Variography merges

What’s new for Supervisor v8.15.1.1
Discover new features in Supervisor v8.15.1.1, our comprehensive geostatistical package. New enhancements include copying components between projects, stand-alone Variogram enhancements and new segment modelling, and more.
Meet our Team
Our technical team team help you to
unlock latent value
in your resource.
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