Category news

AusIMM Mining Geology Webinar: Mining Reconciliation Standardisation R Factor Series

Snowden Optiro Principal Consultant Rayleen Hargreaves presents an advanced structural extension to the reconciliation process, utilizing resource ratios (R Series factors) to quantitatively assess the long-term impact of the information effect, as well as dilution and ore loss.
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Announcement: Snowden to merge with Optiro to form Snowden Optiro

We are excited to announce that Snowden is merging with Optiro to create the premier mining advisory firm Snowden Optiro after Optiro was acquired by Datamine. Snowden Optiro brings together some of the world’s best mining consultants allowing us to share best-practices, form strong project delivery teams, and bring fresh…

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Episode 38 and 39 from the Fresh Thinking by Optiro podcast library

EPISODE 38: Categorical Kriging – what is it and when does it work?Part 1 of a 2-part series.Speaker: Ian Glacken – Geology Director iglacken@snowdenoptiro.comHost: Justine Tracey – Principal Consultant Geology jtracey@snowdenoptiro.comGeology services Training servicesThis is the first podcast in a 2-part series that…

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Gain greater control over the project tree and conditional simulation densities in Supervisor 8.14.3

Supervisor provides a range of univariate and multivariate data analysis tools that allow users to rapidly understand the characteristics of their orebody. Supervisor’s broad suite of components are an invaluable tool for resource estimation professionals and provide simple, intuitive interfaces…

Read MoreGain greater control over the project tree and conditional simulation densities in Supervisor 8.14.3