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Part 1 of the QAQC Podcast… accuracy and precision.

In this Part 1 of a 2 Part podcast series, Paul Blackney our Principal Consultant discusses the difference between accuracy and precision and illustrates what accuracy means in practice.
This Fresh Thinking podcast episode at a glance:
0:54 What's the difference between accuracy and precision?
5:12 Why are the accuracy and precision of geological data so important?
7:09 How do we know we have an acceptable accuracy for sample grade data?
9:50 Not everything goes to plan. What can you do if your grade control accuracy doesn't meet your expectations?
You can subscribe to the Fresh Thinking podcasts on Google Podcasts, iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify and the Optiro website.

Read MorePart 1 of the QAQC Podcast… accuracy and precision.

PODCASTS: 12 Fresh Thinking by Optiro podcasts

Technical Podcasts for the Mining Industry. Our technical podcast series titled Fresh Thinking by Optiro are available for free on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Google Podcasts and on the Optiro website.
Our aim is to offer interesting technical talks and key information with a fresh take on the world of geology and mining. We will be uploading new podcasts on a regular basis.

Read MorePODCASTS: 12 Fresh Thinking by Optiro podcasts