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Episode 38 and 39 from the Fresh Thinking by Optiro podcast library

EPISODE 38: Categorical Kriging – what is it and when does it work?
Part 1 of a 2-part series.
Speaker: Ian Glacken – Geology Director iglacken@snowdenoptiro.com
Host: Justine Tracey – Principal Consultant Geology jtracey@snowdenoptiro.com
Geology services Training services
This is the first podcast in a 2-part series that covers Categorical and Multiple Indicator Kriging, which is an increasingly popular mineral resource estimation technique. In this podcast, Ian Glacken talks to Justine Tracey about the use and abuse of these techniques in mineral resource estimation.
Please use this LINK to listen on Google Podcasts
EPISODE 39: Multiple Indicator Kriging (MIK) Part 2 of 2-part series.
Speaker: Ian Glacken – Optiro’s Geology Director iglacken@snowdenoptiro.com
Host: Justine Tracey – Principal Consultant Geology jtracey@snowdenoptiro.com
Geology services Training services
This is the 2nd podcast in a 2-part series that covers Categorical and Multiple Indicator Kriging, which is an increasingly popular mineral resource estimation technique. In this podcast, Optiro’s Geology Director, Ian Glacken discusses the use and abuse of these techniques in mineral resource estimation, with our podcast host Justine Tracey.
This episode at a glance:
1:00 Let’s recap the concept of an indicator
1:58 What are the circumstances where MIK is required?
5:56 What are the key issues to be aware of?
9:54 Why is MIK abused as an estimation technique?
13.:17 Where can we get more information?
More information:
Rossie, ME, and Deutsch, CV (2014). Mineral Resource Estimation. Springer.
A practitioners’ implementation of indicator kriging. Authors: I M Glacken and P C J Blackney. Contact Ian Glacken for a copy: iglacken@snowdenoptiro.com
Please use this LINK to listen to the episode on Google Podcasts.
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