30 Seconds of Sampling Info
30 Seconds of Info. Today's topic is - Should you use Aircore samples in your resource estimate? Author is Ian Glacken, Optiro's Director of Geology.
30 Seconds of Info. Today's topic is - Should you use Aircore samples in your resource estimate? Author is Ian Glacken, Optiro's Director of Geology.
Generosity is alive and well! Both Ian Glacken – Executive Consultant and Paul Blackney – Executive Consultant, believe in sharing the knowledge and skills they have each gained over their more than 35 years’ worldwide experience as geologists. So in…
This week's 30 Seconds of Info is from Ian Glacken our Director of Geology.
Reconciliation and heap leach mining:
For all of its apparent simplicity as an extraction method, heap leaches (progressive extraction of metal from dumped – and perhaps crushed – material through chemical dissolution of valuable components) can cause real problems for reconciliation.
Our technical podcast series titled Fresh Thinking by Optiro is available for FREE on Stitcher, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and on our Optiro website.
Our aim is to offer interesting technical talks with a fresh take on the world of geology and mining.
Technical Podcasts for the Mining Industry. Our technical podcast series titled Fresh Thinking by Optiro are available for free on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Google Podcasts and on the Optiro website.
Our aim is to offer interesting technical talks and key information with a fresh take on the world of geology and mining. We will be uploading new podcasts on a regular basis.
Ian Glacken our Director of Geology and Paul Blackney our Principal Consultant have put together some useful Tips and Tricks to help you with Sampling, QAQC, Resource Estimation and Reconciliation. Tips and Tricks for Sampling theory and practice Should you…
Optiro is 10 years old! Reaching this milestone made us reflect over the past ten years to when we started our business. It was 2008, the year the subprime mortgage crisis came to a head. The US government put Fannie…