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10 Year Anniversary for a small team with big results
Optiro is 10 years old!
Reaching this milestone made us reflect over the past ten years to when we started our business. It was 2008, the year the subprime mortgage crisis came to a head. The US government put Fannie May and Freddie Mac into conservatorship. A week later Lehman Brothers collapsed. They had $639 billion in assets and $619 billion in debt. On 29 September 2008 the market crashed. By March 2009 the DJIA had lost 50% of its value from the peak in 2007. Maybe not the best time to start a new business… or was it? Thankfully the premise of our business and foundation of our name OPTImising ResOurces stood us in good stead through those turbulent years… and our small team produced some pretty big numbers.
Here are some of the numbers that we think might interest you:
And here is our team of Directors and Principal Consultants:

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