Tag resource estimation

Ian and Paul believe in transferring their knowledge and skills to other geologists

Generosity is alive and well! Both Ian Glacken – Executive Consultant and Paul Blackney – Executive Consultant, believe in sharing the knowledge and skills they have each gained over their more than 35 years’ worldwide experience as geologists. So in…

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Videos: 30 Seconds of Info. Chinese with English subtitles

Our 30 Seconds of Info videos are presented in Chinese, with English subtitles, by our Consultant Gregory Zhang. The videos are full of useful tips and technical tricks compiled by Ian Glacken our Geology Director and Paul Blackney our Principal Consultant. These videos cover Sampling, QAQC, Resource Estimation and Reconciliation.
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PODCASTS: 12 Fresh Thinking by Optiro podcasts

Technical Podcasts for the Mining Industry. Our technical podcast series titled Fresh Thinking by Optiro are available for free on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Google Podcasts and on the Optiro website. Our aim is to offer interesting technical talks and key information with a fresh take on the world of geology and mining. We will be uploading new podcasts on a regular basis.
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