Ian and Paul believe in transferring their knowledge and skills to other geologists

Generosity is alive and well! Both Ian Glacken – Executive Consultant and Paul Blackney – Executive Consultant, believe in sharing the knowledge and skills they have each gained over their more than 35 years’ worldwide experience as geologists. So in…

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PODCASTS: 12 Fresh Thinking by Optiro podcasts

Technical Podcasts for the Mining Industry. Our technical podcast series titled Fresh Thinking by Optiro are available for free on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Google Podcasts and on the Optiro website. Our aim is to offer interesting technical talks and key information with a fresh take on the world of geology and mining. We will be uploading new podcasts on a regular basis.
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PODCAST: Reasonable Prospects of Eventual Economic Extraction (RPEEE)

Welcome to the second podcast in our Fresh Thinking from the World of Mining podcast series. This week Ian Glacken, our Director of Geology, talks about Reasonable Prospects of Eventual Economic Extraction (RPEEE) with Adam Mullett, and why the principle is critical to reporting resources. The podcast at a glance: 0:48 What is RPEEE? 1:33 Why do we need to have RPEEE as part of all the reporting codes? 2:28 The codes are there to protect investors - reporting the right information to investors is critical 3:19 What has changed from the versions of JORC 2004 to 2012? 4:28 RPEEE has also been controversial because of its inconsistent application 5:34 Why is the principal not being applied everywhere? 6:38 What is the approach for open pit mines for RPEEE? 7:45 How does RPEEE apply to underground mines? 8:56 Are there any differences between how the RPEEE has been applied in the JORC, SAMREC and CIM codes?
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