Tag reconciliation
Breakfast Panel Discussion: Transparency and Standardisation in Metal Reconciliation
At our recent event as part of the Snowden Community in mineral resources, we discussed Transparency and Standardisation in Metal Reconciliation Reporting. One would argue that how well an operation converts its resources to reserves and ultimately recovers its metal,…
30 Seconds of Reconciliation info: The frequency of reconciliation
This week’s 30 Seconds of Reconciliation Info is from Ian Glacken our Geology Director. The frequency of reconciliation: This is an area where practice varies enormously; some organisations believe that reconciliation on anything less than a three-month increment is meaningless…
PODCASTS: 12 Fresh Thinking by Optiro podcasts
30 Seconds of Info: Reconciliation of planned and unplanned dilution for underground stopes
This week’s 30 Seconds of Reconciliation Info is from Ian Glacken our Director of Geology. Reconciliation of planned and unplanned dilution for underground stopes: Typically, underground stopes of relatively limited dimensions (i.e. not sublevel or block caving shapes) are designed…
30 Seconds of Info: Remember the ore blocks you design might not be the ore blocks you mine.
This week’s 30 Seconds of Reconciliation Info comes from Ian Glacken our Director of Geology. Remember that the ore blocks you design may not be the ore blocks you mine: Always remember that ‘as-designed’ may not (usually will not) be…
PODCAST: Reconciliation – avoiding problems
How important is it to get the stockpiles right? 30 Seconds of Reconciliation Info from Ian Glacken
This week’s 30 Seconds of Reconciliation Info comes from Ian Glacken – Director of Geology. How important is it to get the stockpiles right? Depending upon the scale of production from your operation, poor stockpile tracking can kill any chance…