Field & Mine Technicians Essentials: from exploration to ore control – Perth, Australia & Online

You can register to attend this course either in the Classroom or Online.
Presenters: Susan Havlin – Principal Consultant; Ian Glacken – Executive Consultant; Anthony Cook – Principal Consultant;

This 1-day Field and Mine Technicians Essentials course provides field and mine technicians with a comprehensive understanding of:

  • The entire mine value chain from exploration to production.
  • Key components of mine development.
  • The critical role of precision in drilling, sampling, Quality Control, and Quality Assurance.
  • Evaluation of resource definition and grade control sampling methods.
  • Techniques for sample splitting.
  • Practical insights into addressing sampling errors.

Course overview:

1. Discovery:

  • Identifying anomalies: Geochemical, geophysical, geological.
  • Testing anomalies: Various drilling and sampling techniques.
  • Resource definition: Estimation of volume and grade from data.
  • Reserves definition: Optimization and cost considerations.
  • Production methods: Open pit and underground mining terminologies.

2. Sampling:

  • Exploration sampling: Rock chip, channels, RAB, LAG.
  • Resource definition sampling: RC and DDH drilling.
  • Grade control sampling: Open pit and underground methods.
  • Process control sampling: Brief overview.
  • Quality control (QC) samples.

3. Minimizing Sampling Errors:

  • Understanding correct and incorrect sampling.
  • Subsampling methods.
  • Techniques for core cutting and splitting.
  • Sampling blasthole cones.
  • Handling pulp and reject samples.

4. QAQC (Quality Assurance/Quality Control):

  • Importance of QAQC.
  • Correct procedures for implementation.

5. Ore Control:

  • Open pit strategies: Spotting, floor levels.
  • Underground ore-tracking methods.

Open-Book Post-Course Assessment Exam

As part of your course package, you have the option to take an open-book post-training course assessment exam at no additional cost. This is a valuable opportunity for you to reinforce your learning and demonstrate your understanding of the course material, and for you to add to your professional portfolio.
Key Points:
Open-Book Exam: You can use your course materials during the exam to assist you.
No Extra Cost: The exam is included in the price you have already paid for the course.
Graded Certificate: Upon successful completion, you will receive a graded Certificate of Assessment, showcasing your achievement.

We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to earn your Certificate of Assessment, which can be a great addition to your professional portfolio.

Duration (in days)


Price in AU Dollars

In-house /Online or Onsite training is a cost-effective way of getting your whole team trained. 

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