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Latest Project Announcements

tHE latest updates on our geological, mining engineering, metallurgical, and financial advisory projects.

Snowden Optiro are pleased to announce that Lotus Resources has successfully delivered an update to the Mineral Resources of Letlhakane deposit in Botswana.

The open pit constrained Mineral Resource Estimate was prepared by Principal Consultant Matthew Walker and Executive Consultant Ian Glacken.

This represents the success of the strategic infill drilling conducted by Lotus in mid-2024, which aimed at targeting high-grade sections of the optimised Inferred Resources.

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We are pleased to announce that ACDC Metals has successfully delivered an update to the Mineral Resource Estimate for the Goschen Central Project, in the Murray Basin in western Victoria.

Mrs Susan Havlin (Managing Consultant, Snowden Optiro) worked with Mr Tom Davidson on the geological interpretation and estimation of the Mineral Resource.

Mrs Havlin acted as the Competent Person and domained, estimated, classified, and prepared the report.

Congratulations to everyone involved in this significant achievement!

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We are pleased to announce that Prime Mining Corp. (PRYM) has successfully announced an update on the Los Reyes Gold-Silver Project in Sinaloa State, Mexico.

Snowden Optiro was engaged on the Mineral Resource estimate update. Damian Gregory (Principal Consultant – Snowden Optiro) and Danny Tolmer (Regional Manager – North America – Snowden Optiro), utilized Datamine Studio pit optimization (NPVS) and underground stope optimization (MSO) software to assist with the Mineral Resource estimate update. Mr. Gregory acted as the Qualified Person for the open pit and underground optimization sensitivity, which was relied upon by Mr. John Sims, QP for the Mineral Resource estimate update.  These cross-sections show the 2024 pit and underground stope shapes with the resource model.

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We are pleased to announce that Beacon Minerals Ltd (BCN) has successfully announced a Mineral Resource update on the Iguana gold deposit, part of Lady Ida Project in Western Australia. Gregory Zhang (Senior Consultant, Australia), Ian Glacken (Executive Consultant, Australia), and Hamish Guthrie (Managing Consultant, Australia) worked on the Mineral Resource update. Dr. Gregory acted as the Competent Person for the Mineral Resource update for this deposit.

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We are pleased to announce that Uranium Energy Corp (UEC) has successfully announced an Initial Assessment on the Roughrider Uranium Project in Saskatchewan, Canada.   Snowden Optiro was engaged to work on the preliminary mine planning exercises.

Damian Gregory (Principal Consultant, Canada), Gordon Webb (Senior Mining Engineer, Canada), Chris Jones (Principal Mining Engineer, Perth) and Danny Tolmer (Regional Manager – North America) worked on the initial mine planning and potential mining inventories.

Mr. Gregory acted as the Qualified Person for the mine planning for this Project.  

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We are pleased to announce that in the Minyari Dome Project Scoping Study, Snowden Optiro played a key role in completing the updated study, responsible for the mining design, cost and project financial estimates.

Snowden Optiro also conducted the open pit and underground mining studies, using their expertise to determine geotechnical parameters and optimise pit-shell and underground designs, contributing to both the technical and financial evaluations, helping to guide the potential development of the project.

Hamish Guthrie (Managing Consultant – Mining, Snowden Optiro), Chris Jones (Principal Consultant – Mining, Snowden Optiro), Mofazzal Ahmed (Mining Consultant, Datamine), Allan Earl (Executive Consultant – Mining, Snowden Optiro) worked on the updated study.

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We are pleased to announce that Antipa Minerals has successfully announced an upgraded Mineral Resource Estimate for the Minyari gold-copper project in the Paterson Province of northwestern Western Australia. Snowden Optiro was engaged to work on the estimates.

Jane Levett (Principal Consultant, Australia) and Ian Glacken (Executive Consultant, Australia) worked on the resource estimation and classification for Minyari, Sundown and Geo-01 and are acting as Competent Persons.  Victoria Lawns of Antipa generated the geological models and verified the data and is also acting as a Competent Person.

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Congratulations to Liontown Resources for producing their first spodumene concentrate at Kathleen Valley. Snowden Optiro has been involved in the project since 2018. Our Executive Consultants Christine Standing and Allan Earl are the Competent Persons for the Kathleen Valley Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve estimates, respectively.

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Global Lithium Resources has successfully upgraded the Mineral Resource Estimate for the Manna Lithium Project, east of Kalgoorlie in Western Australia.  

Mrs Susan Havlin (Managing Consultant, Snowden Optiro) worked with Mr Jason Sharpe (Principal Resource Geologist, Global Lithium) and Logan Barber (General Manager – Geology, Global Lithium) on the data inputs, geological interpretation and estimation of the Mineral Resource. Mr Barber prepared the data compilation , data validation, including QAQC and assisted with the geological interpretation.

Mrs Jane Levett (Principal Consultant, Snowden Optiro) prepared the geological domains. Mrs Havlin acted as the Competent Person and estimated, classified, and prepared the report.

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Congratulations to Strandline for their Coburn Mineral Sands Project’s record production level of 16,267 dry tonnes of Heavy Mineral Concentrate (HMC) reached in May 2024.

Jozsef Patarica, their Managing Director and CEO, thanked Snowden Optiro, in particular Hamish Guthrie our Mining Manager, for our continued commitment to working with them for Strandline’s success, which he said “has enabled us to achieve these very important milestones.  We also recognise and appreciate that Snowden has been pivotal in achieving the finalisation of Strandline’s 5 Year Mine Plan which has been critical to the success of our operations.”

We thank Jozsef Patarica, Belinda Murray,  Rob Stevenson,  Janet Bastian, and Robert Ierace for giving us this opportunity to work with them on their Coburn Mineral Sands Project.

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Snowden Optiro was commissioned by Zinnwald Lithium plc to undertake a re-classification of the MRE of the Zinnwald Lithium deposit following an update to the MRE in February 2024.

Laurie Hassall, Senior Consultant, MSci FIMMM ‘689775’ FGS ‘1044219’, of Snowden Optiro is the main author of the Technical Report, is responsible for the technical part of this announcement and is a Qualified Person under the terms of NI 43-101.

Zinnwald Lithium Plc (the Company) announced the publication of a further update to its independent Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) for its 100% owned Zinnwald lithium project which is the second largest hard-rock resource in the European Union, and located in Saxony, eastern Germany. 

On the recommendation by Snowden Optiro, following their previous February 2024 MRE, Zinnwald Lithium, as stated in their public announcement: ‘The Company undertook a further geometallurgical testwork programme to provide a higher level of confidence in the Mineral Resource within the broader mineralisation zone. This has resulted in an additional 25.0Mt being included in the Measured category. This represents a 221% increase in tonnage and a 133% increase in contained lithium within the Measured category compared to the February 2024 MRE. The Project now has sufficient material in Measured category alone to support over 20 years of production. This is a major milestone as it further de-risks the resource and adds a higher level of confidence in the detailed mine plan, which is key to financing plans

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We are pleased to announce that Delta Lithium Limited has successfully delivered a maiden Mineral Resource Estimate for the Yinnetharra Deposit, in the Gascoyne region of Western Australia.  

Mrs Susan Havlin (Managing Consultant, Snowden Optiro) worked with Mr Colum O’Leary (Senior Geologist, Delta Lithium) and Mr Charles Hughes (Chief Geologist, Delta Lithium) on the geological interpretation and estimation of the Mineral Resource.

Mrs Havlin acted as the Competent Person and estimated, classified, and prepared the report.

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We are pleased to announce that Delta Lithium Limited has successfully delivered a maiden Mineral Resource Estimate for the Yinnetharra Deposit, in the Gascoyne region of Western Australia.  

Mrs Susan Havlin (Managing Consultant, Snowden Optiro) worked with Mr Colum O’Leary (Senior Geologist, Delta Lithium) and Mr Charles Hughes (Chief Geologist, Delta Lithium) on the geological interpretation and estimation of the Mineral Resource.

Mrs Havlin acted as the Competent Person andestimated, classified, and prepared the report.

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Congratulations to Surefire Resources NL on their successful completion of the Victory Bore PFS. Snowden Optiro was pleased to contribute the Mine Plan as part of the study team.

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We are pleased to announce that ACDC Metals has successfully delivered a maiden Mineral Resource Estimate for the Goschen Central Project, in the Murray Basin in western Victoria.  

Mrs Susan Havlin (Managing Consultant, Snowden Optiro) worked with Mr Kent Balas on the geological interpretation and estimation of the Mineral Resource.

Mrs Havlin acted as the Competent Person and estimated, classified, and prepared the report.

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The information in this report that relates to Robe Mesa Ore Reserves is based on information reviewed or work undertaken by Mr. Frank Blanchfield, a Fellow of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM) and a Principal Consultant with Snowden Optiro.

A prefeasibility study (PFS) was completed in December 2020 and a Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS) was completed in October 2023. The cost estimates have been updated to reflect the DFS mine plan, production schedule, and supply chain to support the October 2023 Robe Mesa Ore Reserve estimate and demonstrate the financial viability of the Robe Mesa Iron Ore Project.

Mr. Frank Blanchfield has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralization and type of deposit under consideration and to the preparation of mining studies to qualify as a Competent Person as defined by the JORC Code.

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Altona Rare Earth PLC is a UK London Stock Exchange (LSE) listed mining company focused on the supply of rare earth metal oxides.  Their Monte Muambe Project is located in the Moatize District, Tete Province, Mozambique. 

The Monte Muambe Mineral Resource estimate was prepared by Snowden Optiro in September 2023, in accordance with the guidelines of the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (JORC Code, 2012 Edition). 

The information in the report that relates to the Estimation and Reporting of Mineral Resources was compiled by Snowden Optiro’s Dr Andrew Scogings – Executive Consultant, Mr Kahan Cervoj – Executive Consultant, Mr Robert Barnett – Associate Consultant, and reviewed by Mr Julian Aldridge – Regional Manager – International.

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We are pleased to announce that Delta Lithium Limited has successfully upgraded the Mineral Resource Estimate for the Mt Ida Lithium Project, north-west of Menzies in Western Australia. 

Mrs Susan Havlin (Managing Consultant, Snowden Optiro) worked with Mr Charles Hughes (Exploration Manager, Deltha Lithium) and Mr Shane Murray (Senior Geologist, Delta Lithium) on the geological interpretation and estimation of the Mineral Resource.

Mrs Havlin acted as the Competent Person and estimated, classified, and prepared the report. Mr ANDREW SCOGINGS (Executive Consultant, Snowden Optiro) acted as Competent Person for the mineralogy and also peer reviewed.

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Surefire Resources NL is pleased to advise it has appointed Snowden Optiro for the Mining Prefeasibility Study (PFS) for its 100% owned flagship Victory
Bore Vanadium project, located 400km from Geraldton Port in Western Australia.  Snowden-Optiro bring a wealth of experience to the Victory Bore development team and will provide the key input parameters for completion of the PFS which is being managed by metallurgical group METS Engineers.

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Altona Rare Earths Plc announced an operational update for its rare earths Mozambique mining project, Monte Muambe. Mr Robert Barnett (Associate Geologist, Snowden Optiro) conducted a site visit on behalf of the Competent Person, Dr Andrew Scogings (Executive Consultant, Snowden Optiro) to assess the prospecting drilling, sampling, quality control and quality assurance aspects of the drilling programme.

Congratulations to all at Altona Rare Earths for the 76m at 3.426% Total Rare earth Oxides from surface at Target 4, which is a record length and grade for Monte Muambe.

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Mrs Susan Havlin (Principal Consultant, Snowden Optiro) worked with Mr Stuart Peterson (Exploration Manager, Global Lithium) on the data inputs, geological interpretation and estimation of the Mineral Resource. Mr Peterson prepared the data compilation, data validation, including QAQC and assisted with the geological interpretation. Mrs Jane Levett (Principal Consultant, Snowden Optiro) prepared the geological domains. Mrs Havlin acted as the Competent Person and estimated, classified, and prepared the report. Mr Ian Glacken (Executive Consultant, Snowden Optiro) provided guidance and peer reviewed the model and report.  

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Mr Rowdy Bristol (Principal Consultant, Snowden Optiro) worked with Mr Harry Mustard (Managing Geologist, A-Cap) on the data inputs and estimation of the Mineral Resource for the Wilconi Nickel Cobalt Mineral Resource near Wiluna, Western Australia. Mr Mustard prepared the data compilation and data validation, including QAQC and interpretation.  Mr Mark Drabble (Executive Consultant, Snowden Optiro) prepared the mineralised domains and weathering horizons.  Mr Bristol acted as the Competent Person and estimated, classified, and prepared the report.  Mr Ian Glacken (Executive Consultant, Snowden Optiro) provided guidance and peer reviewed the model and report.

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Altona Rare Earths PLC on Thursday said it has appointed Snowden Mining Industry Consultants (Pty) Ltd to prepare its maiden JORC mineral resource estimate and scoping study.

Altona Rare Earths develops the Monte Muambe magnet rare earths project in north-west Mozambique, while Snowden Optiro is an “international geological and mining consultancy company with experience in rare earth projects”,
according to Altona Rare Earths.

Altona Rare Earths said Snowden Optiro recently prepared mineral reserve statements for other major carbonatite-hosted rare earth mining projects in Africa and Australia.

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Snowden Optiro is an international geological and mining consultancy company with experience in rare earth projects. It has recently prepared Mineral Reserve statements for other major carbonatite-hosted rare earth mining projects in Africa and Australia.

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