Susan Havlin
Susan Havlin is Managing Consultant – Geology, leading Snowden Optiro’s team of Australia based geologists. Susan has more than 22 years of extensive expertise in the fields of exploration, mine, and resource geology. Throughout her career, she has gathered invaluable geological insights spanning diverse commodities, such as gold, copper, base metals, uranium, iron ore, lithium, nickel, and mineral sands. Her skill set encompasses mineral resource estimation, production geology, drilling program management, due diligence, technical reporting, sampling, and quality assurance/quality control (QAQC), reconciliation, grade control system design, competent persons reporting, and project management.
Over the course of her professional journey, Susan has cultivated an enthusiasm for guiding and mentoring geology teams. During her 14-year tenure at Snowden Optiro, she has demonstrated exceptional dedication and proficiency, steadily rising through the ranks.
Susan has experience in the following commodities: Lithium, uranium, mineral sands, iron ore, copper, gold, nickel, and base metals
She can sign off as a Competent person for the following commodities: Gold, mineral sands, iron ore and lithium (as a co-CP)