Category Tech talk

30 Seconds of Info from Paul Blackney – Principal Consultant: QAQC – Always evaluate the cause of any Certified Reference Material assay result outside of the certified three standard deviation grade range

  Always evaluate the cause of any Certified Reference Material (CRM) assay result outside of the certified three standard deviation grade range:  Statistically, less than three in each 1,000 results should be outside this range, making this protocol a useful…

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30 Seconds of Info from Ian Glacken – Director of Geology: Don’t ignore moisture in reconciliation!

  Don’t ignore moisture in reconciliation!  Although much of Australia is dry we do have wet spells, and any mine in the tropics or in the northern hemisphere is going to have to cope with water to a greater or…

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30 Seconds of Info: QAQC – field duplicate samples obtained from waste materials

Field duplicate samples obtained from waste materials add little value to the analysis of sample precision, particularly in precious metal deposits:  Sampling protocols often dictate the collection of field duplicate samples at a fixed rate relative to the number of…

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30 Seconds of Info – QAQC: employ a minimum of 4 CRMs or Standards at any one time

Employ a minimum of four Certified Reference Materials (CRM’s or Standards) at any one time:  A typical protocol is to insert CRMs that allow assay accuracy to be monitored at grades equivalent to the anticipated (or known) break-even cut-off grade,…

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30 Seconds of Info – resource estimation and evaluation – confidence in your resource categories

This week's 30 Seconds of Info is from Ian Glacken - Optiro Director of Geology and Principal Geology Consultant. Try to formalise the confidence in your resource categories: at least for a given deposit and/or commodity, try to communicate to all of the stakeholders what error (plus or minus, in metal terms) is meant by Measured, Indicated or Inferred Resources.
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30 Seconds of Info – QAQC: Always use a ‘multiplot’ to review Standards assay results

This week’s 30 Seconds of Info is from Paul Blackney – Principal Consultant. QAQC is one of Paul’s areas of expertise so he offered this advice: Always use a ‘multiplot’ to review Standards assay results: employing a ‘multiplot’ to depict…

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