Month November 2016

Weekly summary of the RSC Resource Reporting Intelligence for 21-27 November 2016

  Here is a summary the RSC Resource Reporting Intelligence for 21-27 November: Technical reports published: 75 new technical reports 10 mineral resources 55 exploration / drilling Geographic locations of the projects: 32 in North America 27 in Oceania 4…

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30 Seconds of Info: QAQC – field duplicate samples obtained from waste materials

Field duplicate samples obtained from waste materials add little value to the analysis of sample precision, particularly in precious metal deposits:  Sampling protocols often dictate the collection of field duplicate samples at a fixed rate relative to the number of…

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Weekly summary of the RSC Resource Reporting Intelligence for 14-20 November 2016

This is Optiro’s weekly summary of the RSC Resource Reporting Intelligence report for 14-20 November 2016. Resource reports published this week: 75 technical reports 10 maiden resources 1 maiden resource 60 drilling / exploration 1 environmental Geographic locations of the projects: 37…

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30 Seconds of Info – QAQC: employ a minimum of 4 CRMs or Standards at any one time

Employ a minimum of four Certified Reference Materials (CRM’s or Standards) at any one time:  A typical protocol is to insert CRMs that allow assay accuracy to be monitored at grades equivalent to the anticipated (or known) break-even cut-off grade,…

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Weekly summary of the RSC Resource Reporting Intelligence for 7-13 Nov 2016

Weekly summary of the RSC resource reporting intelligence for 7-13 November 2016 Globally, there were 79 new technical reports published: 13 mineral resources 3 maiden resources 55 exploration / drilling 1 environmental The geographic locations for the projects were: 39…

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30 Seconds of Info – resource estimation and evaluation – confidence in your resource categories

This week's 30 Seconds of Info is from Ian Glacken - Optiro Director of Geology and Principal Geology Consultant. Try to formalise the confidence in your resource categories: at least for a given deposit and/or commodity, try to communicate to all of the stakeholders what error (plus or minus, in metal terms) is meant by Measured, Indicated or Inferred Resources.
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