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Tech Tips: Videos for Reconcilor Users
Our team of experts have compiled a series of informative videos to share their technical knowledge and industry insights, gained over years of experience working in the mining industry, to assist users in getting the most out of the software.
The goal of these resources is to empower professionals to make informed decisions and achieve optimal results in their resource estimation endeavours.
You can subscribe to these videos on our YouTube channel here.
These Tech Tips have been brought to you by Snowden Optiro’s Principal Consultant and Reconcilor Product Owner Rayleen Hargreaves.
You can read more about her below.
Principal Consultant and Reconcilor Product Owner Rayleen Hargreaves
BSc (Geology, Geophysics, Geochemistry), MAusIMM
Rayleen is a highly experienced mining geologist, with over 25 years of expertise in the resource industry.
She has been actively involved with the onsite implementation and administration of Reconcilor for the past 15 years and has developed a deep understanding of mine site reconciliation.
Leveraging her extensive domain knowledge, Rayleen serves as the Product Owner of Reconcilor, leading the Research and Development team and ensuring that the software’s features and functionality meet the needs of key stakeholders.
She has published numerous white papers on mine reconciliation and is a frequent speaker on the Fresh Thinking by Snowden Optiro podcasts and Tech Tips videos.
Contact Rayleen here.
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