Pablo Borges
Pablo is a Principal Resource Geologist based in Brazil. He has more than 15 years’ experience in Mineral Resources estimation, Mine Geology and Exploration for gold and copper deposits. He’s worked at Jacobina Gold Mine for Yamana, Córrego do Sítio Gold Mine for AngloGold Ashanti, and at Caraíba Copper Mine for EroBrasil. Pablo has experience in geological modelling, short and long term resource evaluation for open pit and underground mines, mine geology processes and reconciliation. He is an expert user of geostatistical and mining software, including Leapfrog, Datamine, and Isatis.
Pablo has experience working with the following commodities: Gold, Copper, Gold-Silver, Copper-Gold, and Nickel. He can sign-off as a Competent Person for Gold, Silver and Copper.
- contact@snowdenoptiro.com
- Brazil