Kahan Cervoj
Kahan Cervoj, Snowden Optiro’s Executive Consultant in Geology Advisory, has worked as an exploration, resource development, mine and resource geologist since 1990, with a focus on doing the fundamentals and gaining a working understanding of a deposit’s geology. He has worked in operational and corporate roles in a range of commodities including gold, nickel, base and precious metals, iron ore (DSO/magnetite), manganese, uranium and vanadium, Kahan’s experience has included multiple styles of mineralisation.
Kahan has managed the geology function of surface and underground exploration, bulk and narrow-vein mines and a number of various studies, as well as Mineral Resource estimates, reviews, audits and due diligences. These experiences resulted in Kahan having a focus on establishing practical systems and processes, as well as a commitment to mentoring and training geology teams.
Kahan’s geology, resource estimation and mining software skills include Datamine, Surpac and other specialised geostatistical and geological software. As well as extensive experience across Australia, Kahan has consulted on projects in Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Southeast Asia and Africa. Kahan presents Snowden Optiro’s professional development courses.
Snowden Optiro provides advice, mining consulting, training and innovative software solutions to mining and exploration companies, their advisors and investors.