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Professional Development Courses – 8 PD HOURS AusIMM rating per training day
Course Presenters:
Ian Glacken – Director of Geology: BSc (Hons), MSc (Min. Geol), MSc (Geostatistics), FAusIMM(CP), CEng, FAIG
Ian is a geologist with postgraduate qualifications in geostatistics, mining geology and computing who has more than 30 years’ worldwide experience in the mining industry. He has worked on mineral projects and given training courses to thousands of attendees on every continent apart from Antarctica! Ian’s skills are in resource evaluation and due diligence reviews, public reporting, training and mentoring, quantitative risk assessment, strategic advice, geostatistics, reconciliation, project management, statutory and competent persons’ reporting and mining geology studies. Ian has a strong mining production background and is a regular auditor for the world’s largest mining companies.
Paul Blackney – Principal Consultant: BSc (Hons), MAusIMM, MAIG
Paul is a geologist with more than 30 years’ technical and operational experience. His skills include resource evaluation, technical audits and reviews, geostatistics, reconciliation, grade control, competent persons reporting and project management. Paul provides worldwide technical training and mentoring in resource estimation, quality control and quality assurance, reconciliation and application of the JORC Code and is highly respected for his focus on the transfer of his knowledge to other geologists.
Kahan Cervoj – Principal Consultant: BAppSci (Geology), Post Graduate Certificate (Geostatistics), MAusIMM, MGSA
Kahan has, over his 26 year career, worked in underground and open-pit production, all facets of exploration, resource and project development, estimation, and geological management. A geologist with a focus on understanding of geology and using this understanding to guide resource estimation, he has worked in establishing systems and processes and in mentoring teams of people. His resource estimation and mining software skills are extensive and cover Datamine, Surpac and other specialised geostatistical software.
Mark Drabble – Principal Consultant: B.App.Sci. (Geology) University of Technology (Sydney), MAusIMM, MAIG
Mark is a geologist with more than 25 years’ experience in due diligence studies and Mineral Resource audits, underground and open pit production, resource development, resource estimation, consulting and geological management at operational and corporate levels. Mark has extensive experience in WA gold, nickel, manganese and chromite grade control, mining, resource development and due diligence audits, along with consulting work in Mali, Tanzania, Ghana, Mozambique, Southeast Asia and Saudi Arabia. Mark’s career has been focused on production geology and the mining of structurally complex mineral deposits. As Geology Manager for Sons of Gwalia and Consolidated Minerals Mark was responsible for operational performance from a number of operations and commodities, along with reconciliation, reporting, resource development, long term project planning and cost control. As a consultant Mark has carried out due diligence audits, mineral resource estimation and sign-off, reconciliation reviews, grade control studies and high level corporate presentations.
Here is a LINK to the course details and online registration.
Please contact Diana Titren, Optiro Training Manager, if you would like further information about any of the courses or if you would like a quote for In-House / On-Site training. dtitren@snowdenoptiro.com
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