Understanding Mineral Processing for Non-Metallurgists

This one-day course is for managers, administrative personnel, engineers, geologists, mineralogists, environmental scientists, plant operators, marketers, financial advisors, and those either dealing with mineral processing (extractive metallurgy) or wanting an understanding of the principles of extractive metallurgy. The course looks at the science of mineral processing from a non-metallurgist’s point of view. It explores principles of geology, mineralogy, chemistry, mineral processing and economics as they apply to mineral processing unit operations and explains in simple terms, how metal is geologically detected, extracted from various rocks and minerals, and taken to the final metal product. The course provides an overview of extractive metallurgical principles in the design and operation of process plants but also discusses issues such as metallurgical test work, metallurgical accounting, environmental management, and other common aspects of practical extractive metallurgy.

Presenter: Dr Leon Lorenzen CPEng, CEng, PrEng, FIEAust, FAusIMM, FIChemE, FSAIMM, MAICD

This one-day course is for managers, administrative personnel, engineers, geologists, mineralogists, environmental scientists, plant operators, marketers, financial advisors, and those either dealing with mineral processing (extractive metallurgy) or wanting an understanding of the principles of extractive metallurgy. The course looks at the science of mineral processing from a non-metallurgist’s point of view. It explores principles of geology, mineralogy, chemistry, mineral processing and economics as they apply to mineral processing unit operations and explains in simple terms, how metal is geologically detected, extracted from various rocks and minerals, and taken to the final metal product. The course provides an overview of extractive metallurgical principles in the design and operation of process plants but also discusses issues such as metallurgical test work, metallurgical accounting, environmental management, and other common aspects of practical extractive metallurgy.

The course covers:

· Mineral processes:

– Mineralogy; Geometallurgy; Ore terminology; Types of minerals; Ore processing; Comminution; Particle technology; Transport and storage; Mineral beneficiation and extraction; Separation and classification processes (dry and wet); Chemical processes; Hydrometallurgy; Thermal processes; Pyrometallurgy; Purification and recovery processes; Environmental management.

· Schematic flow diagram of mineral processing.

· Ore preparation unit operations:

– Discussion/examples and animations.

· Ore processing/ore size reduction:

– Crushing; Milling; Various; Comminution.

· Particle technology:

– Stockpiling; Sorting; Size separation; Screens and grizzlies; Feeding; Conveying storage; Cleaning; Thickening; Filtering drying; Pollution control.

· Metal production – mineral beneficiation and extraction:

– Separation and classification processes (dry and wet); Physical; Gravity and density (wet and dry); Jigs; Cyclones; Heavy medium separation; Physical processes (wet and dry); Flotation (process, circuits and surface chemistry) magnetic and electrostatic separation.

· Chemical processes (hydrometallurgy):

– Leaching; Chemistry and reaction kinetics; Leaching processes; Counter current decantation and washing; Solution concentration and purification; Cementation and precipitation; Solvent extraction (SX); Activated carbon (CIL and CIP); Ion exchange (RIP); Metal production; Electrowinning; Typical flowsheets.

· Thermal processes (pyrometallurgy):

– Pyrometallurgical pre-treatment processes; Roasting; Calcination; Drying; Smelting; Converting; Refining.

· Process-specific flowsheet and optimisation section (e.g. gold, BMS, PGM, iron ore, etc. specific):

– Process flowsheet; Process optimisation.

· Environmental management:

– Environmental risks; Baseline assessments, approvals, and compliance; Tailings disposal; Water pollution; Dust control.

· Metal accounting and costs:

– Metallurgical accounting; Basic principles; Operating costs; Fixed/Variable relationships; Components (labour, stores, power, overheads etc.); Capital costs; Components (direct, indirect and contingencies); Accuracy and precision; Estimation (scaling, 2/3 rule).

· Typical processes for major commodities.

· Metal and mineral final products and applications.

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