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PODCASTS: 12 Fresh Thinking by Optiro podcasts
Our technical podcast series titled Fresh Thinking by Optiro is available for free on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Google Podcasts and on our Optiro website.
Our aim is to offer interesting technical talks and key information with a fresh take on the world of geology and mining. We will be uploading new podcasts every two weeks.
Below are 12 Fresh Thinking by Optiro podcasts for you to listen to:
- Top Cuts
- Reasonable Prospects of Eventual Economic Extraction (RPEEE)
- Politics and Ideology of Resource Estimation. Part 1
- Politics and Ideology of Resource Estimation. Part 2
- Reconciliation – avoiding problems.
- Declustering – what is the true grade?
- QAQC – quality is everything. Part 1
- QAQC – quality is everything. Part 2
- Sampling – the critical decisions
- 7 Rules for Report Writing
- QAQC – going deeper on accuracy and precision. Part 1
- QAQC – going deeper on accuracy and precision. Part 2
Our future podcasts are on: Due Diligence, Reconciliation dashboards… and many more podcasts in the making!
Please let us know if there is a topic that you would like us to cover.
Top Cuts. Speaker: Ian Glacken
Reasonable Prospects of Eventual Economic Extraction (RPEEE). Speaker: Ian Glacken
Politics and Ideology of Resource Estimation – Part 1. Speaker: Ian Glacken
Politics and Ideology of Resource Estimation – Part 2. Speaker: Ian Glacken
Reconciliation. Speaker: Ian Glacken
Declustering – what is the true grade? Speakers: Ian Glacken and Paul Blackney
QAQC – quality is everything. Part 1. Speakers: Ian Glacken and Paul Blackney
QAQC – quality is everything. Part 2. Speakers: Ian Glacken and Paul Blackney
Sampling – the critical decisions. Speaker: Ian Glacken
7 Rules for Report Writing. Speaker: Ian Glacken
QAQC – going deeper on accuracy and precision. Part 1 of 2. Speaker: Paul Blackney
QAQC – going deeper on accuracy and precision. Part 2. Speaker: Paul Blackney
For more information about our podcasts or technical services, please contact:
- Ian Glacken – Director of Geology: iglacken@snowdenoptiro.com
BSc (Hons), MSc (Min. Geol), MSc (Geostatistics), FAusIMM(CP), CEng, FAIG
Ian is a geologist with postgraduate qualifications in geostatistics, mining geology and computing who has more than 35 years’ worldwide experience in the mining industry. He has worked on mineral projects and given training courses to thousands of attendees on every continent apart from Antarctica! Ian’s skills are in resource evaluation and due diligence reviews, public reporting, training and mentoring, quantitative risk assessment, strategic advice, geostatistics, reconciliation, project management, statutory and competent persons’ reporting and mining geology studies. Ian has a strong mining production background and is a regular auditor for the world’s largest mining companies. - Paul Blackney – Principal Consultant: pblackney@snowdenoptiro.com
BSc (Hons), MAusIMM, MAIG
Paul is a geologist with more than 35 years’ technical and operational experience. His skills include resource evaluation, technical audits and reviews, geostatistics, reconciliation, grade control, competent persons reporting and project management. Paul provides worldwide technical training and mentoring in resource estimation, quality control and quality assurance, reconciliation and application of the JORC Code and is highly respected for his focus on the transfer of his knowledge to other geologists. - Diana Ross – Training Manager: diana.ross@snowdenoptiro.com
Optiro training courses cover the technical information in the podcasts in more detail.
The training courses are offered as both public courses and in-house/on-site training.
Is there a topic that you would like us to cover in a podcast? Please let me know: diana.ross@snowdenoptiro.com
Please Subscribe below or through the Podcast platforms if you’d like to be kept up to date with our technical podcasts.
Fresh Thinking by Optiro. Fresh Thinking from the World of Mining. Mining Podcasts. Geology Podcasts. New Fresh Thinking Podcasts. Brain Food.
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