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Optiro summary of RSC Resource Reporting Intelligence for 2- 8 Oct 2017
Here is Optiro’s summary of RSC Resource Reporting Intelligence for 2-8 October 2017
101 new technical reports published – up by 26 from last week
- 16 were Mineral Resources – down by 1 from last week
- 2 Maiden Resource – up by 1
- 72 Exploration / Drilling – up by 25 from last week. Exploration drilling increased this week and announced drilling has been on a downward trend since July this year.
- 1 Environmental report – up by 1
- 33% reported using JORC Code
- 62% reported using NI43-101
- 4 reports were amended and 1 was clarified
- Paramount Gold Nevada Corp’s PEA for Grassy Mountain
- Minera IRL Ltd’s Resource Estimation for Corihuarmi Mine
- Provenance Gold Corp’s Supporting Acquisition for 2K Gold
- Ardiden Ltd’s Resource estimation for Seymour Lake
- GWR Group Ltd’s Exploration/Drilling update for Wiluna West
The Project Locations:
- 53 in North America – up by 18 from last week
- 21 in Oceania – down by 5
- 9 in Africa – down by 1
- 5 in Europe – up by 2
- 5 in Asia – up by 2
- 13 in South America
The Project Commodities:
- 73 Gold – up by 15 from last week
- 39 Silver – up by 20
- 30 Copper – up by 9
- 19 Zinc – up by 6
- 13 Lead – up by 4
- 7 each for: Lithium – up by 2; and Cobalt – up by 3
- 5 Iron – up by 5
- 4 Silica – up by 4
- 3 each for: Uranium – up by 2; Zircon – up by 3
- 2 each for: Manganese – up by 1; Aluminium – up by 2
- 1 each for: Boron – up by 1; Indium – up by 1; Coal – down by 2; Tungsten; Molybdenum; Diamonds – up by 1; Potash – down by 1
Global number of Resource Estimations by Report Author since October 2014:
Optiro ranks 4th out of the top 24 global consultancy groups, having authored 36 Resource Estimation reports since October 2014.
Global number of Reserve Estimations by Report Author since October 2014:
- Optiro ranks 10th out of the top 24 global consultancy groups, having authored 8 Reserve Estimation reports since October 2014.
Most significant drill intersections of the week:
Most significant drill intersections in September 2017 to date:
Most significant drill intersections in 2017 to date on ASX:
Most significant drill intersections in 2017 to date on TSX/TSX-V:
Here is a link to the RSC Resource Reporting Intelligence web page.
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