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Fresh Thinking by Snowden Optiro Podcasts offer a fresh take on the world of geology and mining
Our aim is to offer interesting technical podcasts for those working in or associated with the mining industry. Please subscribe to be kept up-to-date with our podcasts.
Our Fresh Thinking by Snowden Optiro podcast series is available for free on Stitcher, Spotify, Libsyn, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and our Snowden Optiro website.
EPISODE 46: Reconciliation and Moisture
Speakers: Ian Glacken – Executive Consultant iglacken@snowdenoptiro.com; Rayleen Hargreaves Principal Consultant and Reconcilor Product Owner rayleen.hargreaves@snowdenoptiro.com
This podcast at a glance:
0:57 Why is moisture or contained water important in reconciliation?
3:32 Is there a reason some companies ignore the moisture factor?
6:36 Could we just take the moisture measurements at the plant?
8:56 How can we get a better mine moisture measurement?
11:15 How should we handle moisture across the reconciliation work flow?
Please use this LINK to listen to this episode for free on Libsyn. Also avilable on Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts and Apple Podcasts.
Please use this LINK to view the podcast video on YouTube.
EPISODE 45: Reconciliation vs Rescaling
Speakers: Ian Glacken – Executive Consultant iglacken@snowdenoptiro.com; Rayleen Hargreaves Principal Consultant and Reconcilor Product Owner rayleen.hargreaves@snowdenoptiro.com
This podcast at a glance:
1:05 Definition of reconciliation
2:07 What is the difference between reconciliation and rescaling
6:20 The pros and cons of rescaling data
8:55 Is there a commodity group leading the charge in best practice reconciliation or is it being driven from a company level?
10:45 Is there a value in rescaling data when different sources, like Sub-level caves, block caves and stopes are involved in feeding material to the plant during the month?
Please use this LINK to listen to this episode for free on Libsyn. Also available on Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts and Apple Podcasts.
Please use this LINK to view the podcast video on YouTube.
EPISODE 44: Reconcilor 20 Year Anniversary – the genesis of Reconcilor
Speakers: Craig Morley – Anglo American – Head of Mining Geosciences and Reconciliation; Rayleen Hargreaves – Reconcilor Product Owner Rayleen.hargreaves@snowdenoptiro.com
To celebrate the 20-year Anniversary of Reconcilor, Rayleen Hargreaves our Reconcilor Product Owner chats to Craig Morley Anglo American’s Head of Mining Geosciences and Reconciliation about the key roles they have played in the genesis, development and roll out of the reconciliation software Reconcilor. Prior to joining Anglo American, Craig was with Snowden for 18 years and it was during that time that Reconcilor was born. Here we are 20 years later and Reconcilor is working its magic on 31 mine sites around the world.
This podcast at a glance:
1:22 Introduction
1:22 What led to the development of Reconcilor? What is Reconcilor?
2:32 What are the most important features that were developed during your time at Snowden?
2:40 Automation of data capture
4:06 Prognostication – predicting the future
4:39 What is the most asked question about how Reconcilor works?
4:27 How did you get Reconcilor recognised globally?
7:45 What do you think is the most meaningful feature of Reconcilor?
9:37 How does Reconcilor differ today from how it was in the past – and now looking into the future?
12:00 Where has Reconcilor taken you around the world – where to next?
If you would like a demonstration of how Reconcilor works and how it could help your mine site, please contact Rayleen Hargreaves: contact@snowdenoptiro.com
Please use this LINK to listen to this episode for free on Libsyn.
Please use this LINK to view the podcast video on YouTube.
Episode 43: IPCC – Inpit Crushing and Conveying – the technical details
Speaker: Phil Morriss – IPCC Executive Consultant contact@snowdenoptiro.com
Host: Tarrant Elkington – Snowden Optiro General Manager contact@snowdenoptiro.com
Snowden Optiro Advisory, Training and Software Services
IPCC offers economic and environmental gains for mining companies. In this podcast, Tarrant Elkington, Snowden Optiro’s General Manager talks to IPCC expert Phil Morris about the technical details, applications and benefits of IPCC.
This episode at a glance:
0:49 Types of IPCC: Pit rim/out-of-pit crusher – Fixed IPCC – Semi-mobile IPCC – Fully-mobile IPCC
3:22 Most suitable applications according to mine complexity
5:04 Possible to get rid of all trucks?
6:00 When looking for savings – retrofit and mine planning
7:54 Benefits of IPCC for both retrofit and at initial mine planning
12:01 Desktop study a useful indicator
12:46 Greatest technical challenge of IPCC
Please use this LINK to listen to this episode for free on Libsyn.
Please use this LINK to view the video of the podcast on YouTube.
EPISODE 42: IPCC – Inpit Crushing and Conveying
Speaker: Phil Morriss – IPCC Executive Consultant contact@snowdenoptiro.com
Host: Tarrant Elkington – Snowden Optiro General Manager contact@snowdenoptiro.com
Snowden Optiro Advisory, Training and Software Services
IPCC offers economic and environmental gains for mining companies. In this podcast, Tarrant Elkington, Snowden Optiro’s General Manager talks to IPCC expert Phil Morris about the applications and benefits of IPCC.
This episode at a glance:
0:53 Introduction of Phil Morriss (that’s him laughing in the background!)
1:16 Phil explains what IPCC is
2:38 Benefits of replacing trucks with IPCC
5:17 Economic/Unit cost savings
7:17 Environmental benefits – carbon footprint reduction
8:48 Key drivers to get best benefits from ICC
14:36 Anything against using IPCC?
16:50 Future of IPCC and its application
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Link to this podcast as a video on YouTube
EPISODE 41: Economics of Project Development
Speaker: Matt Mullins – Head of Advisory matt.mullins@snowdenoptiro.com
Host: Justine Tracey – Principal Consultant Geology justine.tracey@snowdenoptiro.com
Snowden Optiro Advisory, Training and Software Services
In this podcast, Matt Mullins our Head of Advisory for Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia talks about the economics of project development – honing in on the 7 fundamentals of project success.
This episode at a glance:
3:32 Strategic thinking, Pre-feasibility study and Feasibility study – any of these more important?
6:36 The 7 fundamentals of project success
9:32 Why are independent reviews so critical?
11:32 The 4 prime metrics
16:06 What rate of return to expect?
Further reading:
The Reporting Codes; Listing Rules of the Stock Exchange; Guidelines for Economic Evaluation of Mineral Industry Projects – available on AusIMM website.
Please use this LINK to listen to this episode for free on Google Podcasts.
Link to this podcast as a video on YouTube
EPISODE 40: Increasing productivity – a case study
Speaker: Matt Mullins – Head of Advisory matt.mullins@snowdenoptiro.com
Host: Justine Tracey – Principal Consultant Geology justine.tracey@snowdenoptiro.com
Snowden Optiro Advisory, Training and Software Services
This is the first podcast from Matt Mullins, our Head of Advisory for Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia. In this podcast Matt talks about his experience with creating value through increasing productivity. Matt’s vast knowledge, experience and the skills that he’s gained in his 40+ years in the mining industry, offer us invaluable information.
This episode at a glance:
1:52 What are some of the big changes that you’ve witnessed over the past 40 years in the mining industry?
6:00 Capital efficiency ratio – how do you use it and measure it?
7:39 Was the decline in capital efficiency ratio recognised at the time?
8:33 What are some warning signs for us to watch out for?
9:53 How did you intervene?
13:00 What are some of the key learnings for us?
Further reading:
Eliyah Goldratt’s book, The Theory of Constraints
Please use this LINK to listen to this free podcast on Google Podcasts.
Link to this podcast as a video on YouTube
EPISODE 39: Multiple Indicator Kriging (MIK) Part 2 of 2-part series.
Speaker: Ian Glacken – Executive Consultant ian.glacken@snowdenoptiro.com
Host: Justine Tracey – Principal Consultant Geology jtracey@snowdenoptiro.com
Geology services Training services
This is the 2nd podcast in a 2-part series that covers Categorical and Multiple Indicator Kriging, which is an increasingly popular mineral resource estimation technique. In this podcast, Optiro’s Geology Director, Ian Glacken discusses the use and abuse of these techniques in mineral resource estimation, with our podcast host Justine Tracey.
This episode at a glance:
1:00 Let’s recap the concept of an indicator
1:58 What are the circumstances where MIK is required?
5:56 What are the key issues to be aware of?
9:54 Why is MIK abused as an estimation technique?
13.:17 Where can we get more information?
More information:
Rossie, ME, and Deutsch, CV (2014). Mineral Resource Estimation. Springer.
A practitioners’ implementation of indicator kriging. Authors: I M Glacken and P C J Blackney. Contact Ian Glacken for a copy: iglacken@snowdenoptiro.com
Please use this LINK to listen to the episode on Google Podcasts.
EPISODE 38: Categorical Kriging – what is it and when does it work?
Part 1 of a 2-part series.
Speaker: Ian Glacken – Executive Consultant ian.glacken@snowdenoptiro.com
Host: Justine Tracey – Principal Consultant Geology jtracey@snowdenoptiro.com
Geology services Training services
This is the first podcast in a 2-part series that covers Categorical and Multiple Indicator Kriging, which is an increasingly popular mineral resource estimation technique. In this podcast, Ian Glacken talks to Justine Tracey about the use and abuse of these techniques in mineral resource estimation.
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EPISODE 37: Classifying Mineral Resources – the search for objectivity. Speaker: Ian Glacken – Executive Consultant ian.glacken@snowdenoptiro.com
Geology services Training services
The JORC code does many things, but it doesn’t prescribe how to consistently classify resources. Optiro’s Director of Geology Ian Glacken explains some of the techniques available to ensure consistency in this fifth part of the mini-series on the JORC code.
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EPISODE 36: ASX Market Releases – what could possibly go wrong! Speaker: Ian Glacken – Geology Director. ian.glacken@snowdenoptiro.com
Geology services Training services
There are plenty of ways to get it wrong and having to retract your ASX market release is best avoided. Ian Glacken explains how to stay compliant to the rules in this fourth part in the mini-series on the JORC code.
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EPISODE 35: Table 1: Obligations – Misconceptions – Protection. Speaker: Ian Glacken – Geology Director. ian.glacken@snowdenoptiro.com
Geology services Training services
Podcasts in the time of COVID-19. This is our first podcast recorded with our host Adam Mullet and speaker Ian Glacken in different locations. In this podcast, Ian talks about Table 1 of the JORC code, why it is there, misconceptions about it and how it can protect investors.
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EPISODE 34: Metal equivalents – acceptable, if you follow the rules. Speaker: Ian Glacken – Geology Director. ian.glacken@snowdenoptiro.com
Geology services Training services
Reporting your resource using metal equivalents is acceptable practice, if you follow the rules. In this episode, the second in a mini-series about misinterpretation of the JORC code, Ian explains where miners are getting it wrong and potentially misreporting the value of their commodities.
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EPISODE 33: RPEEE – is all hope lost? Speaker: Ian Glacken – Geology Director. ian.glacken@snowdenoptiro.com
Geology services Training services
Recent research undertaken by Ian Glacken, shows there are a number of reports on resources being made to the market that are based on tenuous assumptions. This episode is part of a mini series on misinterpretations of the JORC code.
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EPISODE 32: The Resource Model “sniff test”. Speaker: Mark Drabble – Principal Consultant. mdrabble@snowdenoptiro.com
Geology services Training services
Now that you’ve built up your resource model from the data it’s time to submit it to the Bernard Schneider test. Optiro’s Principal Geologist Mark Drabble explains some of the checks you need to perform to ensure your modelling is correct.
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EPISODE 31: From Data to Resource Model. Speaker: Mark Drabble – Principal Consultant. mdrabble@snowdenoptiro.com
Geology services Training services
Interpreting data can be a daunting task and ‘good luck’ probably isn’t enough to get you through! So Optiro’s Principal Geologist Mark Drabble shares tips on how to get to the right answers in your resource models.
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EPISODE 30: Bulk Assaying Techniques. Speakers: Dr Simon Dominy – Executive Consultant, and Ian Glacken – Geology Director. ian.glacken@snowdenoptiro.com Geology services Training services s.dominy@e3geomet.com
Choosing the right technique to analyse your samples is an important decision and new technology is changing the game. Dr Simon Dominy joins Ian Glacken, Director of Geology at Optiro, to discuss new techniques including photon assay.
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EPISODE 29: Bulk Sampling for Resource Validation. Part 1 of 2 part series. Speakers: Dr Simon Dominy – Executive Consultant, and Ian Glacken – Geology Director. ian.glacken@snowdenoptiro.com
Geology services Training services
Bulk sampling can help you get a more accurate idea of how much ore there is to be mined, but you need to have the scale to do it and know when it is appropriate. Dr Simon Dominy joins Ian Glacken to discuss this topic.
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EPISODE 28: Travel Tales of a Geologist – Final of the 4-part series. Speaker: Ian Glacken – Geology Director. ian.glacken@snowdenoptiro.com
Geology services Training services
Traveling the world visiting mines, Ian has encountered extremes in weather, altitude and travel. In this final part of the travel tales series, Ian talks about nearly got frostbite in the most unlikely of countries and about potholes big enough to swallow a car.
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EPISODE 27: The travel tales of a geologist – Part 3 of 4. Speaker: Ian Glacken – Geology Director. ian.glacken@snowdenoptiro.com
Geology services Training services
The best jobs can be on the worst trips and the worst jobs in the best places. In part 3 of this 4 part series on travel, Director of Geology at Optiro Ian Glacken tells us about some of the worst places he’s been to and yet still managing to enjoy some of the world’s most rugged beauty.
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EPISODE 26: The travel tales of a geologist – Part 2 of 4. Speaker: Ian Glacken. ian.glacken@snowdenoptiro.com iglacken@snowdenoptiro.com
Geology services Training services
Seeing the world as a consultant geologist can take you to interesting places, but some are a little too exciting to experience twice! Optiro’s Director of Geology Ian Glacken recalls some stories including escaping a revolution, meeting Danie Krige on a pile of gold bars and having his clothes eaten by goats.
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EPISODE 25: The travels of a geologist. Part 1 of 4. Speaker: Ian Glacken. ian.glacken@snowdenoptiro.com
Geology services Training services
If you want to see the world you needn’t join the navy: geologists get to see the world and quite frequently, too. Optiro’s Director of Geology Ian Glacken tells some stories about his early travels and what he learned, including honing his C programming skills with a young Google CEO Larry Page and meeting up with the then not so famous Tiger Woods and Condoleezza Rice.
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EPISODE 24: Geological interpretation and modelling. Speaker: Mark Drabble. mdrabble@snowdenoptiro.com
Geology services Training services
Should geochemistry be used more than structure? How can you get a 3D picture of a resource? And what are “coloured shapes around coloured numbers”? Optiro’s Principal Consultant Mark Drabble joins Fresh Thinking to give an overview of geological interpretation and modelling.
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EPISODE 23: Recoverable Resources (Part 2 of 2). Speakers: Ian Glacken and David Barry. ian.glacken@snowdenoptiro.com Geology services Training services barry@geovariances.com
Geologists need to use the right methods when estimating the tonnage and grade they can expect from an ore body. For recoverable resources, when uniform conditioning doesn’t work, you need to turn to alterative techniques. In part two of this two-part series, Senior Geostatistician at Geovariances, David Barry, and Director of Geology at Optiro, Ian Glacken, discuss MIK and conditional simulation.
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EPISODE 22: Recoverable Resources (Part 1 of 2). Speakers: Ian Glacken and David Barry. ian.glacken@snowdenoptiro.com Geology services Training services barry@geovariances.com
Geologists need to make predictions about how much can be extracted from an ore body based on limited data. What can you do to confidently report on the likely tonnage and grade? In part one of this two-part series, Senior Geostatistician at Geovariances, David Barry, and Director of Geology at Optiro Ian Glacken discuss recoverable resources and how to apply uniform conditioning.
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EPISODE 21: Underground Grade Control and Sampling. Speakers: Ian Glacken and Dr Simon Dominy. ian.glacken@snowdenoptiro.com Geology services Training services s.dominy@e3geomet.com
Underground grade control is different from open pit grade control and to take you through the depths of their experiences, Optiro’s Director of Geology Ian Glacken and geometallurgist Simon Dominy discuss the topic, covering techniques and methods.
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EPISODE 20: Coarse Gold Sampling and Assaying. Speakers: Dr Simon Dominy – Executive Consultant and Ian Glacken – Geology Director. s.dominy@e3geomet.com ian.glacken@snowdenoptiro.com
Geology services Training services
It is visually very attractive, but getting an accurate grade for coarse gold isn’t straight forward. If you’ve used the wrong techniques, your estimate could be way off. World expert in this field Simon Dominy joins Optiro’s Director of Geology Ian Glacken to discuss what you could do to make sure you’re reporting the right grade from your samples.
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EPISODE 19: What is Geometallurgy? Speakers: Dr Simon Dominy – Executive Consultant and Ian Glacken – Geology Director. s.dominy@e3geomet.com ian.glacken@snowdenoptiro.com
Geology services Training services
The relatively new practice of geometallurgy is giving miners an additional tool to employ in their search for viable mineral reserves. Dr. Simon Dominy, an old friend of Optiro’s and a leading geometallurgist joins Optiro’s Director of Geology Ian Glacken to discuss the discipline and how it’s being used in industry.
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EPISODE 18: Relationships matter – a peek into the world of consulting. Speaker: Ian Glacken – Geology Director. ian.glacken@snowdenoptiro.com
Geology services Training services
Consulting as a geologist in the mining industry is a very rewarding career, but what about the clients! How can a great relationship with a client make a job successful, or a terrible relationship make a project head south? Optiro’s Director of Geology Ian Glacken spills the beans on some of the experiences he’s had throughout his career, revealing the good, the bad and the ugly.
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EPISODE 17: Due Diligence Tips and Traps. Part 4 of 4. Speaker: Mark Warren – Managing Director mwarren@snowdenoptiro.com
Geology services Mining engineering services Corporate services
In this episode, the final part of a four part series, Managing Director of Optiro Mark Warren shares some of his experiences around Due Diligence, illustrating that it’s not always straight forward.
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EPISODE 16: The Due Diligence Process. Part 3 of 4. Speaker: Mark Warren – Managing Director mark.warren@snowdenoptiro.com
Geology services Mining engineering services Corporate services
In this episode, part three of a four part series, Managing Director of Optiro Mark Warren explores the Due Diligence process and how to keep it swift.
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EPISODE 15: Scoping Due Diligence. Part 2 of 4. Speaker: Mark Warren – Managing Director mwarren@snowdenoptiro.com
Geology services Mining engineering services Corporate services
In this episode, part two of a four part series, Managing Director of Optiro Mark Warren explores the scoping of Due Diligence, ensuring you have all the right people in the room to get a good result.
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EPISODE 14: Due Diligence. Part 1 of 4. Speaker: Mark Warren – Managing Director mwarren@snowdenoptiro.com
Geology services Mining engineering services Corporate services
Due Diligence is an important process to undertake when acquiring a mineral asset, but how do you know if you’re getting it right and if it’s protecting you from issues down the line? In this episode, part one of a four part series, Managing Director of Optiro Mark Warren explores some fundamental questions around Due Diligence.
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EPISODE 13: On the same page with reconciliation dashboards. Speaker: Ian Glacken – Geology Director iglacken@snowdenoptiro.com
Geology services Training services
Seeing all the information you need to make a decision on one screen can be a powerful tool for management. Reconciliation dashboards are becoming more popular with miners who want to have all the information available for each stakeholder in the process. Optiro’s Director of Geology Ian Glacken boils down the essence of these dashboards in this episode and explains the good practices he has seen around the world and what they allow miners to do.
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EPISODE 12: QAQC – going deeper on accuracy and precision. Part 2. Speaker: Paul Blackney – Principal Consultant pblackney@snowdenoptiro.com
Geology services Training services
In the second half of this two-part series, we explore precision: Optiro’s Principal Consultant Paul Blackney goes into detail on precision and why it matters when sampling.
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EPISODE 11: QAQC – going deeper on accuracy and precision. Part 1 of 2. Speaker: Paul Blackney – Principal Consultant pblackney@snowdenoptiro.com
Geology services Training services
It’s time to go deeper on accuracy and precision in the context of quality control of geological data. In the first half of this two-part series, we explore the subject of accuracy: Optiro’s Principal Consultant Paul Blackney explains the difference between the two concepts and then illustrates what accuracy means in practice in mining.
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EPISODE 10: 7 Rules for Report Writing. Speaker: Ian Glacken – Geology Director iglacken@snowdenoptiro.com
Geology services Training services
Reports are one of the most important methods of communication in the world of geology. Writing well means your findings will be well understood and interpreted correctly the day you deliver them and years down the track. Optiro’s Director of Geology and report editor in chief Ian Glacken has summarised his advice on report writing down to seven key points.
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EPISODE 9: Sampling – the critical decisions. Speaker: Ian Glacken – Geology Director iglacken@snowdenoptiro.com
Geology services Training services
Most important decisions in mining are in some shape or form dependent on the accuracy of sampling. There are many ways to introduce errors and its important to eliminate as many as possible. Optiro’s Director of Geology Ian Glacken explains why sampling is so important, the sorts of errors that can be introduced during sampling and how to avoid them.
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EPISODE 8: QAQC – quality is everything. Part 2. Speakers: Ian Glacken – Geology Director iglacken@snowdenoptiro.com and Paul Blackney – Principal Consultant pblackney@snowdenoptiro.com Geology services
This episode at a glance:
1:02 How do we measure precision and why is it important?
3:12 What are the properties of a duplicate for precision analysis?
3:50 Why do we need to take duplicates at various stages?
5:09 What are the types of information we need to present for duplicate samples and how do we measure precision?
6:46 Let’s move on from precision and talk about contamination
10:11 Why do we need umpire laboratories and what are their roles in the process?
11:45 Are there differing views about when to use an umpire lab?
12:27 What are the benefits of QAQC and what are the risks of not having a robust programme?
14:20 Where can you learn more about QAQC?
Want to learn more? 2-day Getting the most out of QAQC data course
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EPISODE 7: QAQC – quality is everything. Part 1. Speakers: Ian Glacken – Geology Director iglacken@snowdenoptiro.com and Paul Blackney – Principal Consultant pblackney@snowdenoptiro.com Geology services
This episode at a glance:
0:56 What is QAQC?
2:10 What are the limits of QAQC in the mining cycle?
2:45 What are the key aspects of what QAQC is trying to achieve?
4:09 How do we measure accuracy given we don’t know the true grade of anything?
5:18 What are the characteristics of a Certified Reference Material?
12:17 How do we portray accuracy?
Want to learn more? 2-day Getting the most out of QAQC data course
Please use this LINK to listen on Google Podcasts
EPISODE 6: Declustering – what is the true grade? Speakers: Ian Glacken – Director of Geology iglacken@snowdenoptiro.com and Paul Blackney – Principal Consultant pblackney@snowdenoptiro.com Geology services
This episode at a glance:
0:51 What is declustering and why is mining data clustered?
1:41 What are the implications of not declustering?
2:03 When is declustering useful?
2:52 Do we need to apply declustering to ordinary kriging?
3:26 What are some of the normal methods used when declustering?
5:12 So not everyone uses declustering. Why do some practitioners disavow it?
6:10 Do you both agree on when to apply declustering?
7:22 Are there any circumstances when its mandatory to decluster?
9:12 Where should people go to learn more?
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EPISODE 5: Reconciliation. Speaker: Ian Glacken – Geology Director iglacken@snowdenoptiro.com Geology services
This episode at a glance:
0:47 What is reconciliation and how it applies to mining?
1:48 What happens when things go wrong?
2:29 If someone has made a poor forecast at the beginning, is there any way back?
3:33 What are the key aspects of reconciliation?
5:46 Why is reconciliation so complicated? Does it need to be?
7:08 What about the standards we need to adhere to?
8:07 Is this just the domain of geologists or are there others involved?
9:09 What are the key aspects of an effective reconciliation?
9:56 Where can people learn more about reconciliation?
Want to learn more? 1-day Reconciliation training course
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EPISODE 4: Politics and Ideology of Resource Estimation – Part 2. Speaker: Ian Glacken – Geology Director iglacken@snowdenoptiro.com Geology services
This episode at a glance:
0:50 What is the issue and what are the differences between global estimation and local accuracy?
3:55 How do you know which approach is applicable to your situation?
5:05 Is there something about the culture of a country that determines the approach?
6:11 Are there any approaches that are less theoretically rigorous?
7:11 If some approaches aren’t theoretically rigorous, how can you justify using them?
7:57 Why are some of the older techniques still used if there are better ones around?
8:50 What does the future hold for resource estimation?
11:00 Where can people get the paper you wrote on resource estimation?
Want to learn more? 5-day Resource Estimation & Evaluation course
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EPISODE 3: Politics and Ideology of Resource Estimation – Part 1. Speaker: Ian Glacken – Geology Director iglacken@snowdenoptiro.com
Geology services Training services
Mineral resource estimation produces a model of deposits for extraction and is made up of various complex processes. In part one of this two-part series, Optiro’s Director of Geology Ian Glacken discusses the history and common practices of resource estimation.
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EPISODE 2: Reasonable Prospects of Eventual Economic Extraction (RPEEE). Speaker: Ian Glacken – Geology Director iglacken@snowdenoptiro.com
Geology services Training services
Reporting the right information to investors is critical. The three main codes around the world that govern resource estimation and reporting to the market all contain references to RPEEE, or Reasonable Prospects of Eventual Economic Extraction. Optiro’s Director of Geology Ian Glacken explains why the principle is critical to reporting resources.
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EPISODE 1: Top Cuts. Speaker: Ian Glacken – Geology Director iglacken@snowdenoptiro.com
Geology services Training services
When you’re creating a resource estimate you need to be sure that you haven’t relied on outlier samples. Top cutting (or capping) is a method you can use to reduce the impact of individual samples and produce a more accurate picture of what’s in the ground. Optiro’s Director of Geology Ian Glacken explains the method, when it is appropriate and what happens when it’s not used correctly.
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For more information about our podcasts or technical services, please contact:
Tarrant Elkington – Global General Manager tarrant.elkington@snowdenoptiro.com
Tarrant has more than 13 years of consulting experience; specialising in mining strategy selection and providing solutions to unique and/or complex mine planning problems. This is supported by a Ph.D. in mine optimisation. He has been involved in over 200 studies in Australia, South America, North America, Africa, Europe, and Asia; across precious metals, base metals, industrial minerals and iron ore, and for both open pit and underground mining methods. As Global Manager of Snowden Optiro, Tarrant is responsible for the strategy and operations of the Snowden Optiro business. Tarrant is passionate about improvement and strategy; to find a better way to do things. His particular strengths are a focus on the global system, and the ability to communicate complex concepts in a simple way to a range of stakeholders.
Ian Glacken – Executive Consultant: ian.glacken@snowdenoptiro.com
BSc (Hons), MSc (Min. Geol), MSc (Geostatistics), FAusIMM(CP), CEng, FAIG
Ian is a geologist with postgraduate qualifications in geostatistics, mining geology and computing who has more than 35 years’ worldwide experience in the mining industry. He has worked on mineral projects and given training courses to thousands of attendees on every continent apart from Antarctica! Ian’s skills are in resource evaluation and due diligence reviews, public reporting, training and mentoring, quantitative risk assessment, strategic advice, geostatistics, reconciliation, project management, statutory and competent persons’ reporting and mining geology studies. Ian has a strong mining production background and is a regular auditor for the world’s largest mining companies.
Here is a LINK to our Geology services.
Justine Tracey – Principal Consultant and Podcast Host: justine.tracey@snowdenoptiro.com
BSc (Hons, H1) (Geology), Cert IV Frontline Management, Cert IV Work, Health & Safety, MAusIMM(CP)
Justine is a geologist with extensive mine production and exploration experience over the past 21 years, providing a solid technical foundation for project development and Mineral Resource Estimation. This includes geological modelling and interpolation for surface and underground deposits at grade control, exploration and project feasibility levels for both gold and copper.
Justine’s skills include mineral resource modelling and estimation, evaluation, technical audits and reviews, geostatistics, reconciliation, grade control, quality assurance and quality control, competent persons reporting, project management, innovation, and people management. Justine is in the process of completing her MSc Geostatistics.
Justine’s career has provided her extensive experience in many types of gold deposits from narrow vein extreme nugget variations through to ironstone hosted copper-gold styles.
Paul Blackney – Executive Consultant: paul.blackney@snowdenoptiro.com
BSc (Hons), MAusIMM, MAIG
Paul is a geologist with more than 35 years’ technical and operational experience. His skills include resource evaluation, technical audits and reviews, geostatistics, reconciliation, grade control, competent persons reporting and project management. Paul provides worldwide technical training and mentoring in resource estimation, quality control and quality assurance, reconciliation and application of the JORC Code and is highly respected for his focus on the transfer of his knowledge to other geologists.
Here is a LINK to our Geology services.
Mark Drabble – Executive Consultant: mark.drabble@snowdenoptiro.com
B.App.Sci.(Geology), MAusIMM, MAIG
Mark is a geologist with more than 30 years’ experience in underground and open-pit production, resource development, resource estimation, consulting and geological management at operational and corporate levels. Mark has commodity experience in gold, nickel, manganese, chromite, copper, lead, zinc, graphite and tin and is proficient in the use of Leapfrog Geo and Surpac software for resource modelling. Mark’s skills are based on the application of practical geology, risk assessment, communication and identification of value opportunities.
Here is a LINK to our Geology services.
Mark Warren – Head of Advisory – APAC mark.warren@snowdenoptiro.com
BEng(Mech), MIEAust, CPEng, NER
Mark is an engineer with more than 30 years’ experience in the global mining industry. His experience includes technical, consulting, managerial and Board roles across most commodities and geographies. Mark is also a Director of Austmine representing METS industry of Australia, and has served in Director, Chairman and Executive Committee roles in ASX listed companies. With executive level experience, M&A experience and general knowledge across mining enterprises, Mark provides Board support, strategy development services, due diligence and corporate advice to clients.
Here is a LINK to our Corporate services.
Dr Simon Dominy – Executive Consultant s.dominy@e3geomet.com
Simon is a mining geologist-geometallurgist with more than 25 years of global exposure based in operations, consulting and academia. He has a background in underground operations management and leadership roles, with multi-commodity and continent experience. He has worked across the mine value chain from studies, through to mine development, operations, operational improvement and mine closure. Simon is Adjunct Professor at WASM, Curtin University, and a Visiting Associate Professor at CSM, University of Exeter, UK. He has published extensively on topics ranging from mineral deposit geology, resource estimation, sampling/Theory of Sampling, underground mining, and minerals engineering.
Diana Ross – Training and Marketing Manager: diana.ross@snowdenoptiro.com
Optiro training courses cover the technical information in the podcasts in more detail. The training courses are offered as public courses, In-house/On-site courses and Online courses. Please contact Diana if you would like further information about the courses or if you’d like a quote for In-house/On-site or Online training.
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