Resource Estimation – Practical Fundamentals Workshop with Case Studies – Johannesburg and Online
Presenters: Senzeni Mandava – Principal Consultant
Our 5-day Resource Estimation practical fundamentals workshop, offers a clear step-by-step guide from data acquisition to resource classification, using case-studies and real-world data.
Each attendee will receive a FREE temporary Supervisor software licence.
Key topics covered in this course include:
- How to create a robust resource estimate with industry-standard software and techniques
- How to explore your data and combine geology and geostatistics to build more robust estimates
- How to understand and follow reporting codes and practical guidelines for resource classification
The course covers the entire resource estimation process including:
- Introduction – flow of tasks, key concepts
- Data quality – QAQC, sampling, database
- Domaining and data preparation – the how and why of boundaries, coding and compositing
- Statistics – exploring and describing good and bad data sets, declustering and topcutting
- Variography – understanding grade continuity, modelling variograms, moving from the variogram to the estimate
- Estimation – understanding kriging, exploring MIK, inverse distance and 2D estimation.
- Model validation – tools and techniques
- Post-processing – understanding change of support and recoverable resources
- Classification and reporting – understanding the Codes and types of reports
- An introduction to Conditional Simulation for risk and uncertainty
Course outcomes – you will:
- Understand what affects a good and a bad estimate
- Appreciate the paramount value of data and how to ensure its highest quality
- Understand and apply the principles of sampling and QAQC for quality assurance
- Know how to turn a first-class geological model into correct zones for estimation
- Learn how to validate zones and their boundaries against the data and geology
- Understand the critical role of geological and grade continuity
- Cover the key geostatistical methods of grade estimation and compare these with other approaches
- Know what to do when you don’t have enough data
- Understand the many ways to validate your work and which are the best
- Appreciate the key criteria for resource classification
The course assumes a basic knowledge of geology, sampling, QAQC and statistical concepts but does not assume any geostatistical knowledge.
This course has been designed for geologists and mining engineers involved with or about to become involved with resource estimation.
Open-Book Post-Course Assessment Exam
As part of your course package, you have the option to take an open-book post-training course assessment exam at no additional cost. This is a valuable opportunity for you to reinforce your learning and demonstrate your understanding of the course material, and for you to add to your professional portfolio.
Key Points:
Open-Book Exam: You can use your course materials during the exam to assist you.
No Extra Cost: The exam is included in the price you have already paid for the course.
Graded Certificate: Upon successful completion, you will receive a graded Certificate of Assessment, showcasing your achievement.
We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to earn your Certificate of Assessment, which can be a great addition to your professional portfolio.
Duration (in days)
Price in South African Rands
In-house /Online or Onsite training is a cost-effective way of getting your whole team trained.
Contact us for further information