Productivity and Business Improvement – Online course

This Productivity and Business Improvement course is available as Inhouse training, on dates that suit your team.

Presenter and Course Developer: Matt Mullins – Executive Consultant

This 1-day Online course will be presented as 2 x 3-hour training sessions over 2-consecutive days.
Course starting time each day is 08:00 am GMT.

Rethink revenue enhancement.

This Productivity and Business Improvement course focusses on increasing free cash flow through:

  • Revenue enhancement
  • Right sizing of resources


This course covers three phases of a project.

The Diagnostic Phase of the project focuses on:

  • Establishing the baseline, improvement timescale, key metrics, and size of the prize. The role of the centre versus that of the operations, and the communications and change management programmes necessary to achieve success at=re established.

The Design Phase of the project focuses on:

  • Establishing ‘The Perfect Day’ for key aspects of the operation, metrics and the hierarchy of metrics, league tables for key equipment, and improvement methodologies.

The Implementation Phase of the project focuses on:

  • Daily monitoring of key metrics, regular climate surveys, internal and external communication, and celebrating success.

The key factors for success are:

  • The support of senior management
  • Establishing the baseline
  • Establishing the metrics and the hierarchy of metrics
  • Clearly delineating the role of the centre versus that of the operations
  • Implementing a change management programme alongside the technical improvement programme.

The prime objectives of the project are to:

  • Improve free cash flow
  • Embed the improvements into the operation so that they become part of a continuous improvement culture.

Course presenter

Matt Mullins has a proven track record in the design and implementation of Productivity Improvement Programmes. He specialises in Economic Evaluation, Project Development and Business Efficiency. He is considered to be a global expert in productivity enhancement and business improvement.


1 day presented as 2 x 3-hour Online sessions

Prices in US$ and exclusive of Taxes

In-house /Online or Onsite training is a cost-effective way of getting your whole team trained. Please email Diana Ross our Training Manager for a quote or further information.


Jun 18 - 19 2024


8:00 am - 11:00 am






Snowden Optiro
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