Geology for Non-Geologists – Vancouver & Online

An introduction to geology – from early exploration through to the reporting of mineral resources

Presenter: Clementine Clark – Principal Consultant

This 1-day Geology for Non-Geologists course teaches key geology and resource estimation concepts, how a company progresses a project from early-stage exploration through to a mining reserve, plus the classification and reporting of mineral resources on the stock exchange.

This course has been designed for non-geologists working in, associated with or investing in the mining industry.

Attendees will gain:

  • An introduction to the main rock types (igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary)
  • An understanding of the structure of the earth
  • An introduction to key deposit types, including iron ore, gold, nickel, base metals and bauxite
  • An overview of the formation of coal, oil and gas deposits
  • An introduction to common drilling and sample methods, and associated risks
  • An overview of resource estimation focusing on metalliferous (yielding metal) deposits
  • An understanding of public reporting using the relevant reporting codes such as JORC, SAMREC, NI 43-101
  • An overview of reading and interpreting reports, as well as key geology and mining terms
  • Learn how to interpret geological data
  • Interpret mineral resource and exploration results in stock exchange company announcements

Duration (in days)


Price in CA Dollars.

In-house /Online or Onsite training is a cost-effective way of getting your whole team trained.

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