Essential Excel Skills for Geologists – Perth, Australia

Presenter: Paul Blackney – Executive Consultant; Dr Gregory Zhang – Senior Consultant
Only 10 places available.

This 1-day Essential Excel Skills for Geologist course provides a compendium of Excel tips, tricks, tools and templates specifically designed for mine and exploration geologists.

We draw from many years of experience, having learned the hard way, to provide you with the essential Excel techniques to save you time and effort.

You will learn how to present data graphically to best advantage, how to use pivot tables, navigation, sorting and advanced filtering techniques to get valuable information out of massive data sets and how to generate critical graphs (such as Q-Q plots).

The outcome will be that you are aware of and able to use a whole range of labour-saving tools to present messages more clearly and to derive meaningful information from data.

Course outline

  • Overview of the basics of Excel and revision of the fundamentals
  • What you as a geologist, need Excel to do for you
  • Navigation keys and shortcuts; filtering and processing large data sets
  • Presenting your data – tips, tricks, what works visually, what doesn’t
  • Reporting and reconciliation applications
  • QAQC examples
  • Key skills in Excel; named ranges, lookup tables; pivot tables
  • How to present data in Excel for passing on and work by others
  • Forum – what are your key requirements for Excel?
  • A toolbox of templates and functions

Course outcomes – you will:

  • Receive a refresher on basic Excel skills and fundamentals
  • Learn or revise a host of time-saving tips and short-cut keys for navigation, data manipulation and formulae
  • Appreciate the best ways and tools for presenting your data in charts and graphs
  • Discover the best ways to filter and manipulate large data sets
  • Learn the best ways and tools for tonnage-grade reporting and reconciliation
  • Take away a toolbox of time-saving templates and functions

Duration (in days)


Price in AU Dollars

In-house /Online or Onsite training is a cost-effective way of getting your whole team trained. Please contact for a quote.

Contact us for further information

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Essential Excel Skills for Geologists
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Available Tickets: Unlimited

This 1-day course provides a compendium of Excel tips, tricks, tools and templates specifically designed for mine and exploration geologists. You will receive a quote and payment details upon registration.

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