Corporate Compliance in Resource & Reserve Reporting – navigating the complexities. Perth & Online

Presenter: Ian Glacken BSc (Hons) (Geology), MSc(Mining Geology), DIC, MSc(Geostatistics), Grad Dip Computing, FAusIMM(CP), FAIG, MIMMM, CEng

Join us for an immersive 1-day Corporate Compliance in Resource and Reserve Reporting course, which is designed to guide you through the intricate process of corporate reporting for Exploration Targets, Mineral Resources, and Ore Reserves. Whether your company follows JORC guidelines or is listed on the ASX, this course offers invaluable insights tailored to:

  • Exploration Managers
  • Chief Geologists
  • COOs
  • Planning Managers
  • Company Secretaries
  • CEOs
  • Professionals involved in classifying and reporting Exploration Targets, Mineral Resources, and Ore Reserves
  • Individuals responsible for market releases through the ASX

In recent times, both ASIC and the ASX have exerted their influence, reshaping the landscape of reporting regulations. Information Sheet 214, in particular, has left many wondering about the revised rules for disclosing results from scoping studies, pre-feasibility studies, and feasibility studies. Join us as we unravel the complexities of these regulations and provide clarity on compliance.

Throughout this course, we will delve into the crucial aspects of crafting a market release that complies with the JORC Code and Section 5 of the ASX Listing Rules. You’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of what information to include, how to present it, where to position key details within the release, and the mandatory declarations that accompany it. We will examine recent examples of both successful and retracted releases to illustrate best practices. Additionally, we’ll place the JORC Code and ASX listing rules in a global context and explore the origins and future trajectory of other codes, such as SAMREC and 43-101.

Key Takeaways:

  • Acquire or refresh your knowledge of the fundamental definitions of Exploration Targets, Mineral Resources, and Ore Reserves.
  • Comprehend the critical distinctions between Inferred resources and other resource categories.
  • Develop an awareness of the potential pitfalls associated with Exploration Target reporting and learn how to avoid them.
  • Engage in an in-depth analysis of Table 1 content to determine whether excessive or inappropriate information is being disclosed.
  • Understand the essential requirements outlined in Section 5 of the ASX Listing Rules, including additional obligations beyond the JORC guidelines.
  • Gain clarity on Scoping Studies, PFS (pre-feasibility studies), and FS (feasibility studies) and discern their boundaries.
  • Evaluate the implications of Information Sheet 214, discerning the permissible and impermissible elements of reporting.
  • Exchange experiences related to market releases, while learning from common pitfalls and implementing strategies to avoid them.

Join us for this comprehensive course and empower yourself to navigate the complex terrain of corporate compliance in resource and reserve reporting.

Open-Book Post-Course Assessment Exam

As part of your course package, you have the option to take an open-book post-training course assessment exam at no additional cost. This is a valuable opportunity for you to reinforce your learning and demonstrate your understanding of the course material, and for you to add to your professional portfolio.
Key Points:
Open-Book Exam: You can use your course materials during the exam to assist you.
No Extra Cost: The exam is included in the price you have already paid for the course.
Graded Certificate: Upon successful completion, you will receive a graded Certificate of Assessment, showcasing your achievement.

We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to earn your Certificate of Assessment, which can be a great addition to your professional portfolio.

Duration (in days)


Price in AU Dollars

In-house /Online or Onsite training is a cost-effective way of getting your whole team trained.

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