Conditional Simulation – theory and applications in Mineral Resource Estimation

Course presenters: Ian Glacken – Executive Consultant; Oscar Rondon – Principal Geostatistician
Conditional simulation is a collection of techniques that were previously limited to academics or individuals with high-powered computers. However, with the advancement of technology, the power of simulation is now accessible to a wider audience, including those with standard laptop computers.
This accessibility has made conditional simulation an invaluable tool for enhancing Mineral Resource Estimates, especially in providing the dimension of risk to otherwise deterministic estimates.
In this comprehensive 1-day course, participants will gain a thorough understanding of the main simulation approaches employed in resource estimation. The course will cover various techniques such as turning bands, sequential Gaussian simulation, and sequential Indicator simulation. By demystifying these methods, attendees will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to apply them effectively in their work. The course showcases a diverse range of practical applications of conditional simulation. These applications will include resource classification, drill spacing studies, recoverable resource estimation, rock type characterisation, profit/loss functions, and ore block determination. By exploring these real-world scenarios, participants will develop a deeper understanding of how conditional simulation can be utilized to tackle various challenges encountered in Mineral Resource Estimation.
Participants will undertake practical exercises in generating univariate and multivariate conditional simulations using Supervisor softwareBy the end of this course, attendees will have gained the necessary expertise to implement conditional simulation techniques in their own projects. Armed with this knowledge, participants will be able assess and model the inherent uncertainties and risks associated with the estimation process.

Each attendee will receive a 1-month Supervisor software licence.

In-house /Online or Onsite training is a cost-effective way of getting your whole team trained.

Duration (in days)


Price in AU Dollars

Inhouse training is a cost effective way to get your whole team trained, please contact us for a quote.

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