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30 Seconds of Sampling Info
Today’s 30 Seconds of Sampling Info is brought to you by Ian Glacken, Optiro’s Geology Director.
Be sure to check the orientation of the cone splitter daily: While a cone splitter should and generally will give a matched (equiprobable) pair of field duplicates, the orientation of the splitter is all-important in determining this. The long axis of the splitter needs to be vertical and the widest part of the splitter, i.e. the join between the cone and the chute, needs to be horizontal. This should be checked daily with a magnetic clinometer.
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Here’s a short bio about Ian:
Ian Glacken BSc (Hons), MSc (Min. Geol), MSc (Geostatistics), FAusIMM(CP), CEng, FAIG
Ian is a geologist with postgraduate qualifications in geostatistics, mining geology and computing who has more than 35 years’ worldwide experience in the mining industry. He has worked on mineral projects and given training courses to thousands of attendees on every continent apart from Antarctica! Ian’s skills are in resource evaluation and due diligence reviews, public reporting, training and mentoring, quantitative risk assessment, strategic advice, geostatistics, reconciliation, project management, statutory and competent persons’ reporting and mining geology studies. Ian has a strong mining production background and is a regular auditor for the world’s largest mining companies.
If you would like to learn more about Sampling, on 16 June 2021, Ian Glacken will be presenting our Sampling Theory and Best Practice course simultaneously in the Classroom in Perth and Online for those who can’t get to Perth. Please use this LINK to view the course content.
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